OK. Time for a new paradigm. Is that to strong a term? I don’t know what do you call lowering our prices on ALL our shirts? Continue reading September 2018 Coupon Code
Category: News
August 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
Alright nature… you can stop now. It’s a little out of control. My flip flops melted to the pavement yesterday when I accidentally stood still outside for 2 minutes while unloading the trunk. Continue reading August 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
July 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
Hey everyone! Now we’re talking. Now this is hot! 110 average here in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada! Some of you coastal cities are giving us a run for our money with your numbers as well! Continue reading July 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
June 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
Hey everyone! Well, warm weather has finally arrived to most of the world that was expecting it after a lengthy winter/rainy season. Here in Vegas, it’s the same. A little warmer. It does tend to make it seam like time stands still here sometimes. Continue reading June 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
May 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
Hey everyone! What’s the old saying? April showers bring May flowers, right? I think they might have to change that to April snow brings… May snow? I’m terrible at these things. Anyway, spring is closed, moose outside should’a told ya. Continue reading May 2018 Best Dumb Shirts Discount Code
Best Dumb Shirts is making a commercial!

Hey fans of BestDumbShirts.com we’re making a commercial! That’s right we’re bringing one of our favorite designs to life to help promote the site. The “Alien Cat Lords” will soon be Continue reading Best Dumb Shirts is making a commercial!
Welcome to Best Dumb Shirts!

Hi and welcome to Best Dumb Shirts! We, simply put, have the best dumb shirts you’ve ever seen! We’re not willing to bet on that because we’re not gambling people (that is a total lie) but we feel pretty strongly that you will at least like a couple of our shirt designs. Continue reading Welcome to Best Dumb Shirts!